PT Multikarya Sawit Prima (“PT MSP”), a subsidiary of PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk (“BWPT”) located in West Sumatra, received a certificate of appreciation from the Regent of South Solok for its participation in making a short video for distributing corporate social environmental responsibility funds (TJSLP) in 2022.
The award certificate was given at the peak of the festivities of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day after the flag was raised in the courtyard of the South Solok Regent's office on Thursday, August 17th 2023. Present at the event were South Solok Forkopimda officials, invited guests from the heads of large private companies, state-owned companies and BUMDs that are members of the Corporate Environmental Responsibility Forum (TJSLP), government officials and the community members. PT MSP, represented by Rey Setyadharma, received a charter as one of the companies participating in making short videos and distributing TJSLP funds for development to create community welfare and contributing to the excitement of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day competitions.
On another occasion, PT MSP also received a certificate of appreciation from the Directorate General of Labor Inspection Development and Occupational Safety and Health of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Manpower with certificate number 5/148/AS.00.08/VI/2023 for the Company's commitment as one of the companies in the Palm Oil Plantation Sector that does not involve and employ underage children based on the inspection and report by the West Sumatra Provincial Manpower and Transmigration Office Labor Inspectorate.
The Award Certificate was handed over directly by the Governor of West Sumatra, Mr. H. Mahyeldi Ansharullah, S.P., to the Deputy/Leader of PT Multikarya Sawit Prima who was represented by Rey Setyadharma at the 2023 award ceremony (K3 Award, Paritrana Award and Palm Oil Plantation free from Workers Children) which was held on Monday at 19.00 WIB at the Pangerah Beach Hotel Jln Ir H. Juanda Padang City, West Sumatra.